Sunday, October 9, 2016


Hey darlings, Eme here. This weekend I went to my favourite contemporary art gallery in London- Saatchi! Honestly if you haven't been here I suggest you go. It's really a magical place and oh my goodness don't. even. get. me. started. on. the. gift. shop.

Before I go manic, I'll begin with these astonishing portraits by Jelena Bulajic, a 26 year old artist fom Serbia. She creates beautifully detailed pencil drawings- particularly of the aging human face. I think its important for you to know that these detailed drawings are massive. Like 10 feet massive. There is something so spectacular about the detail involved in the folds, the wrinkles and the spots of the aged faces she has depicted. Bulajic describes them as "time turned into shape... unique like a finger print".

Grozda, 2014

Ljubica, 2012

The pieces below are by Aleksandra Mir. Mir spent months collecting stories from New York tabloids, selecting stories that were "particularly poignant, or which formed ongoing narrative, but most importantly, that made (her) smile with recognition". She then used these cover stories and her personal references to them and turned them into drawings.

I love these pieces because they are made up entirely of my favourite element of art- line. She uses this element outstandingly through incorporating various types, depth and intensity of line into a single piece and using the impact that this creates to convey the message of the news story. 

Stock Market: Up and Down: Panic!,2007

Stock Market: Up and Down, What a ride!, 2007

Stock Market: Up and Down, Monday Madness,2007

When I first saw these, I dismissed them because i thought they were blurry & manipulated photographs. Plus I tend to go for art that isn't very calming. But for some reason I went back and lets just say it was love at second sight? These are paintings by Phoebe Unwin and here's the crazy thing about them- they are done in indian ink. Yes just indian ink. Especially considering the medium, I have to say this piece is a perfect blend of delicacy and detail.

Seen, 2014


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