Saturday, May 6, 2017


Hey, guys! Steph here. Eme and I are excited to introduce a new sub-section to our interview category "Get To Know". This new sub is called "Long Distance", here we will interview some of our fav artists that we are not able to contact in person, via facetime or skype so that we can still delve into their minds! I mean it's the 21st century so why the blip not.

Our first interviewee is the illustrator, Tobelliot who currently lives in Massachusetts, USA. I sat down with him we had a lovely virtual conversation about his art, movies, life and sushi I hope you enjoy this. Disclaimer: Strong language is used *a lot*.

You can subscribe to his youtube channel here or follow him on his Instagram. Thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did and be back next Sunday for more great stuff.

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